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    impact of passing weather front on Taipei 結果共1筆

  • Taipei’s chilly spell to break with warmth on horizon

    The story discusses the weather conditions in Taipei, Taiwan. Currently, the city is experiencing cool and wet weather due to a passing weather front and the northeast monsoon. Rainfall is expected to decrease, but temperatures will continue to drop. However, a shift in winds is expected to bring some sunshine and warmer temperatures to western Taipei. From Thursday to Friday, a southerly wind will bring warmer air, though morning fog and low clouds are likely. A new cold front arriving on Saturday will cause temperatures to plummet in the north. On Sunday, temperatures in the central and southern parts of Taiwan will dip. There will be a brief respite on Monday and Tuesday with reduced rainfall and slightly higher temperatures. However, another front approaching from the north will bring more rain and colder temperatures. By next Wednesday, conditions will be drier, but nighttime temperatures could drop to around 10 degrees.
    2023/12/12 09:57
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